It’s Here! HPG Supertanker Released for MSFS

Be a flying firefighter in MSFS for $19.99

Posted: 18-Jun-2023 @ 11:58z
It’s Here! HPG Supertanker Released for MSFS

Hype Performance Group’s Boeing 747 Supertanker for Microsoft Flight Simulator has been released at a price of $19.99.

The 747 Supertanker is one of several aerial firefighting airtankers derived from various Boeing 747 models. The aircraft are rated to carry up to 19,600 US gallons (74,000 L) of fire retardant or water. They are the largest aerial firefighting aircraft in the world.

It's Here! HPG Supertanker Released for MSFS

The 747 Supertanker is equipped with a pressurized liquid drop system, which can disperse fire retardant under high pressure, or drop retardant at the speed of falling rain.

The addon is based on the Asobo default Boeing 747 avionics suite, although with the coming AAU2 patch this should be less of a drawback than it has been previously. In the package you also get a tonne of custom sound and visual effects as well as a special custom made drop panel which you will use as you tackle out-of-control wildfires.

There is also an option to have a King Air 350i as a lead plane that directs other AI controlled 747 Supertankers to mission targets.

The team at Hype Performance Group also confirm in the product page listing that they intend to make the addon compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 when that is released further down the line. It does not say whether there will be an additional charge for this port to work, though.

It's Here! HPG Supertanker Released for MSFS

You can pick up the HPG B747 Supertanker here.

More From:   Hype Performance Group
Matthew Kiff
Matt only found his simulator wings with MSFS in 2020, but is already thinking about his PPL while working with FSElite. In his day job, Matt works for a British Member of Parliament in the House of Commons.

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