Just Flight Previews Sounds for Upcoming Fokker F28 Fellowship for MSFS

Just Flight has previewed their comprehensive soundscape for their Fokker Fellowship F28 for MSFS.

Posted: 08-Jun-2023 @ 19:26z

Since the announcement that the Dutch-produced Fokker F28 Fellowship was being developed for MSFS, there have been regular updates as to the progress that has been made by the team at Just Flight. The latest of which, is an extensive video showcasing the plethora of custom sounds that will accompany the aircraft upon release.

The 15-minute video showcases the various sounds that bring the aircraft systems to life such as the batteries, hydraulics, electrical pumps with differing sounds dependant on the particular electrical system being activated, bespoke sounds for switches and dials found in the cockpit as well as custom external sounds for engine start, APU, gear movement, flaps, speedbrakes and lift dumpers which all have custom sounds that enhance the flying experience.

Alongside the sounds of the aircraft, the video also illustrates the level of visual detail that can be found in the Fellowship such as extensive wear and tear on the workhorse aircraft, animations for switch covers, moving chairs and armrests in the cockpit, cabin and external lighting and the many service doors and hatches, each with their accompanying custom sounds.

Although no release timeframe has been mentioned, Beta testing is well underway for the Fokker F28 and the light at the end of the development tunnel is in sight. You shouldn’t have to wait too long to get your hands on the 85-seat classic jet and we will, of course, keep you updated as the release approaches.

More From:   Just Flight
Jordan Williams
Jordan works in operations for a brewery, pub and hotel company in London. Discovering flight simulation when the 3x CD FS2002 was released, he then followed the natural progression up until P3D, where he switched platforms to X-Plane 11.

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